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Bonne nouvelle de Suède

29 september 2011

Dear friends of homeopathy

Positive news from Dr Anders Pettersson (also known under his previous family name Forneus).

Dear colleagues and supporters,

Believe it or not, the Supreme Court (Högsta Förvatningsdomstolen, Stockholm dnr 6634-10) has just fully acquitted me from all charges and completely removed the verdicts of the two lower courts after over 8 years of struggle.

So from now on also Swedish doctors can work in the same way as all other doctors do in the EU in this respect.

Thank you very much warmly indeed again for all your support during the recent years!

So please tell the other nice people you meet who has given me support.

A very happy Anders Pettersson
Newspaper article on this issue:

Commentaar van de UNIO

Notre collègue suédois a du batailler pendant 8 ans avec le gouvernement pour acquérir le droit de pouvoir pratiquer l'homéopathie en tant que médecin.

Le HEC ( Comité européen pour l'homéopathie : a déjà oeuvré tant que possible à soutenir notre collègue. Ce qui démontre à nouveau combien il est important de se réunir tant à l'échelon national (UHB) et européen (ECH) qu'au niveau international (LMHI).